The NZTA has developed and released an app that anyone can download and use following extensive public testing this year.
It allows drivers and car owners to access their licence and vehicle information. They can also make online payments, according to the agency’s chief digital officer, Liz Maguire.

“Feedback provided during user testing was incredibly positive, and we’ve now made improvements to the app’s functionality, as well as looking at features to include in future versions.
“During testing, the app was accessed over 75,000 times with 12,000 payments initiated, providing confidence that transport users value accessing our services digitally.
“Future updates will allow users to easily pay tolls and view their vehicles’ safety ratings, as well as pave the way for a digital driver licence in New Zealand.
“We anticipate use of the app will result in significant long-term savings of more than $5 million per year over the next five years on postage and other administration costs for processing transactions and responding to contact centre queries.”
The NZTA App is available for all phone types. You can download it from Apple’s app store or Google Play. More information can be found online at

The current version of the app allows drivers to view their details, including classes and endorsements held, existing demerit points, vehicle details, and rego and warrants of fitness expiry dates. Users can also access a quick link to make online payments for rego and to buy road-user charges (RUC).
In future releases, customers will have the option of receiving messages, notifications and reminders directly in the app, and the choice to opt out from receiving paper correspondence since they can action such things online directly.
Users will also be able to update contact details so rego labels and licences are delivered successfully. Electronic notifications will be permitted with the ability to act instantly, eg, with a “pay now” option.
People will also be able to view and pay tolls, handle infringement fees, check expiry dates and renew vehicle registration, and view the safety rating of their vehicle.
The NZTA has begun initial work on what legislative requirements would be required to deliver a digital driver’s licence in the next few years. It will be working with the digital public service branch at the Department of Internal Affairs to ensure all New Zealand and international standards are met.