Turners have been building a strong program of internal training over the past few years as they support their people to learn and grow. Taking it one step further, a pilot program was run over the last four months with external courses in business fundamentals and leadership.
Thirty of the Turners team from all over the network and at all different levels participated in the two courses over 14 weeks, representing a huge commitment from Turners and the individuals involved.

“I have been very impressed by what I have seen from the program, particularly how well our team did; the commitment they showed throughout, and the learnings they shared with us this week around what they gained from it – both professionally and personally,” Greg Hedgepeth, Turners Auto Retail CEO commented.
He added that, “based on the outcomes, we have made these a permanent part of the Turners Learning and Development Program.”

The 30 participants were flown from around the country to 3 graduation ceremonies in December in Auckland where they all passed with flying colours. A testament to the hard work they’d put in.