Great news for the ever-expanding Turners Cars network with a brand-new branch in Nelson officially opening last week (14 th September). And with the completion of the work on their Rotorua branch, an official opening took place on Wednesday 21 st September.

Greg Hedgepeth (CEO) said “we’ve learnt a lot about what works for us on a site and I’m pleased to say that the huge effort that has gone in to the construction at both the Nelson and Rotorua sites has delivered outstanding looking branches which I have no doubt serve us and our customers well in the coming years.”
Turners have expanded their car branch network from 10 branches in 2015 to the current network of 20 cars branches. There are plans underway for a new branch in Timaru next year with more to come in the near future.

Mark Bower (GM Cars North) commented that “the Rotorua team have worked hard over the past year to deliver a great service to our customers under some challenging circumstances while the construction work went on. Now that the site is finished and looking great we’re looking forward to seeing what a great team can do without any shackles.”
The Rotorua team worked out of temporary buildings while their new building was constructed and the yard was brought up to spec. Local representatives for the Ngati Whakaue iwi performed a blessing and a powhiri at the Rotorua branch and Steve Chadwick, Mayor of Rotorua attended to speak and cut the ribbon with Greg Hedgepeth to officially open the branch. Chadwick welcomed Turners warmly and pointed out that they were the first business to open in Rotorua post COVID.

The Nelson branch has taken just over 2 years to develop and Brad Lucas, (GM Cars South) added “the team that has been assembled have all come from the local Nelson region and have adopted the Turners culture extremely well. Its early days but from what I’m seeing I’m confident this team will excel over the next year.”
The Nelson Branch opening was supported by the Ngāti Koata iwi and Councillor Tim Skinner officiated. Skinner welcomed Turners to the region and shared a great memory of buying his first car at Turners with his dad.